Sunday, February 1, 2009


Download Once Movie Here
Download Movie OnceOnce
How often do you find the right person?
Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Music, Drama
Year: 2006
IMDB Rating: 8.00
IMDB Votes: 205
Actors: Hansard, Glen as Guy, Praghosa as Hari Krishna, Miller, Sean as Bank Manager, Owski, Wiltold as Man watching TV, Healy, Darren as Heroin Addict, Walsh, Hugh as Timmy Drummer, Whyte, Mal as Bill, Minogue, Geoff as Eamon, Foley, Alaistair as Bassist Dude, Tiotka, Krzysztos as Man watching TV, Hendrick, Gerard as Lead Guitarist, Haugh, Senan as Husband, Hodnett, Bill as Guy's Dad, Short, Pete as Singer at party, McGrath, Pat as Drunk
An (unnamed) Guy is a Dublin guitarist/singer-songwriter who makes a living by fixing vacuum cleaners in his Dad's Hoover repair shop by day, and singing and playing for money on the Dublin streets by night. An (unnamed) Girl is a Czech who plays piano when she gets a chance, and does odd jobs by day and takes care of her mom and her daughter by night. Guy meets Girl, and they get to know each other as the Girl helps the Guy to put together a demo disc that he can take to London in hope of landing a music contract. During the same several day period, the Guy and the Girl work through their past loves, and reveal their budding love for one another, through their songs. Written by Charles Delacroix
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