Saturday, January 17, 2009


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Download Movie AlexanderAlexander
Fortune favors the bold, The greatest legend of all was real
Formats: hidivx, hpc, divx, 720p
Genres: War, Drama, Adventure, Action, Biography
Year: 2004
IMDB Rating: 5.40
IMDB Votes: 30272
Actors: Blessed, Brian as Wrestling Trainer, Leto, Jared as Hephaistion, Paolo, Connor as Young Alexander, Kamm, Jessie as Child Alexander, Stretch, Gary as Cleitus, Plummer, Christopher as Aristotle, Earley, Robert as Young Ptolemy, Williamson, Peter as Young Nearchus, Hopkins, Anthony as Old Ptolemy, Kilmer, Val as Philip, O'Shaughnessy, Fiona as Nurse, Jolie, Angelina as Olympias, Carroll, Patrick as Young Hephaistion, Ferris, Morgan Christopher as Young Cassander, Farrell, Colin as Alexander, Gordon, Aleczander as Young Perdiccas, Bedella, David as Scribe
Alexander (Farrell), the King of Macedonia, leads his legions against the giant Persian Empire. After defeating the Persians he leads his Army across the then known world venturing further than any Westerner had ever gone all the way to India.
Download Alexander Movie Here
I knew that this Alexander War film got bad reviews, but the DVD rental anyway, partly because there were many good comments about the site, which usually quite reliable. Not this time, guys. After watching the film: Alexander (the parts I could to stay awake, anyway), I am surprised that so many reviewers gave it a 9 or 10. I think we should have paid more attention to the average score, which reflects the views of those who do not want to lose most of his life thinking about this DivX film Alexander to write a review. And all trying to convince people that really is not worth giving the fact that you do not know what you're talking about when they say the story is historically accurate.
What went wrong with the stone Ollie? I can admit to re-construct the history of a great leader like Alexander is not easy for a modern film. Oliver Stone, but it seems very self-confidence in this matter ... and I trust. Well, the movie: Alexander began with a terrible snake exhibit. Plutach says Olympia, mother of Alexander, was a lover of snakes, which followed the Orphic doctrines. But this does not mean that leads us in a zoo. Alexander, as a young prince, is weak and ridiculous. No wonder: it is surrounded by these horrible pictures we can imagine nights are obsessed with their nightmares. As a matter of fact ... that dreams of snakes, always. Please, if you want to give me a historical movie, save me psycho-history ... I would like to see better Hithcock PSICO place. If I want an entertaining movie, give me back Troy. Alexander boring because it is intolerable. Hopkins Plummer and keep quiet, please give me some interesting pictures. But worst of all was the battle against Poros, with all that ... lysergic acid red? I'd like to save Jared Leto, who at least does not laugh, despite his marked up (why no one said that the Greek stone homosexuals HATED makeup?). But from a global point of view, the film: Alexander is a complete fiasco.
This DivX Movie Alexander should be used as an example of how NOT to produce a movie. Everything about it is horrible in the extreme - the Irish accent grated in ancient Macedonia, the endless horrible, babble dialogue, especially the mother of Alexander and Alexander himself - a tooth-grindingly awful speech before coming to the Hepheisteion mind. The music sounds often shredded cheese in the end, the lack of structure of the Alexander film - Alexander the constant shuffling between the current campaign and the scenes with his mother and father, for no apparent reason or need to do (I've seen the Director's Cut). Casting! Angelina Jolie, no matter how beautiful she is, without doubt, is never absolutely convincing as the mother of Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer is tremendously over-turn acted as Phillip, the father of Alexander. I could go, but can also get angry and end up destroying my keyboard ... The first scene of the battle was not so bad, however, was only opened his mouth .......

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