Friday, February 6, 2009

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

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Download Movie Mr. Magorium's Wonder EmporiumMr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
You have to believe it to see it.
Formats: ipod, 1080p, divx
Genres: Comedy, Family, Fantasy
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 6.00
IMDB Votes: 1109
Actors: Ludzik, Ted as Bellini, the Bookbuilder, Mills, Zach as Eric Applebaum, the Hat Collector, Bostick, Jesse as Derek, Who Opened the Door, Portman, Natalie as Molly Mahoney, the Composer, Bateman, Jason as Henry Weston, the Mutant, Realba, Mike as Dave Wolf, Who's an Engineer, Masuda, Oliver as Jordan, Who Said Hi, Powley-Webster, Liam as Andy, the Boy Who Likes to Color, Whitmire, Steve as Kermit the Frog Performed By, Boudreau, Paula as Brenda, Who Wants a Mobile, Brancatella, Madalena as Jessica, Who Got a Cowboy Hat, Harvey, Samantha as Cassie, the Girl Chased by a Goose, Bennett, Marcia as Lora, Who Wants a Fire Engine, Durnford, Isaac as Jason, Who's a Little Too Curious, Hoffman, Dustin as Mr. Edward Magorium, Avid Shoe-Wearer
Molly Mahoney is the awkward and insecure manager of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, the strangest, most fantastic, most wonderful toy store in the world. But when Mr. Magorium, the 243 year-old eccentric who owns the store, bequeaths the store to her, a dark and ominous change begins to take over the once remarkable Emporium.
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We all really enjoyed Mr. Magorium. It has a wonderful sense of magic about it and very good yields from the solid leads. Most of all is the Emporium, the toy store that provides much of the wonder, the real attention, thought, and a genuine sense of wonder pervades all. The story is done with love, and it's never too schmaltzy. We come away talking about our favorite bits remind the kids a lot of small details: a sure sign that we really do not get lost in movies. In general I would say that one of the best films for children who do not pretend to be something else that is: that reminds me of a 1970 Disney, simple, innocent magic.
I expected a "guy" movie. And a tasteless one at that. Treacly and foolish. So why go? Well, I had seen everything else, and I really like Dustin Hoffman and Natalie Portman. I love Jason Bateman, as well. So I took the chance. And it was very good! It is true that children in this movie. However, the issue of belief in oneself, and "potential", and all things metaphysical that attracts me. Of course, the story was about a toy, but the real story beneath it, and entered through the shiny minor, was one of magic and possibility for all of us. The cast played their parts well, and the mechanics of the DVD film Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium were good --- nice colors, nice sets. Animation, or puppets, or whatever the movement were the toys, it is credible. At one point, Natalie Portman Jason Bateman asked if he sees "brightness" in it. He has to say "no". But later, after the plot develops, it is true that one would expect, the final gloss appears. That appeared in me, too! The SPARKLE had throughout the film. If you have children or not, if you're in the mood for something light yet significant, look at this. Marvel has a Harry Potter film, tasteless and stupid argument films. This Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium movie is brave enough to be simple and enough to be true .... well, really. I feel better for having chosen it. And that is an achievement worthy of any movie!
99 words or less: Well intentioned, but the writer / director Zach Helm has no faith in the audience, or in the cinema as a visual medium. There is no wonder that in this case, only a great fan of music that is said in the script. What little he has to say is spoon fed to you by the dialogue and voice credits. Colorful SFX can not compensate for the little blocks that replace real characters: Guy Magic. Artist blocked. Lonely Child. Counter boring. Yes, it's a Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium movie for children. Cap'n Krunch is Kid's cereals. Does it have to do it right? I feel better now.

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