Thursday, February 12, 2009

Man on the Moon

Download Man on the Moon Movie Here
Download Movie Man on the MoonMan on the Moon
'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my website.' (official site), 'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my movie.', Hello, my name is Andy and this is my DVD.' [DVD release], 'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my poster.', Hello, my name is Andy and this is my video.' [video release], 'Hello, my name is Andy and people are talking about me!', 'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my Bus' [Bus Poster], 'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my Banner' [Web Banner Ads], 'Hello, my name is Andy and this is my soundtrack.' (sound track)
Formats: hpc, hidivx, divx
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Biography
Year: 1999
IMDB Rating: 7.30
IMDB Votes: 30093
Actors: Becker, Gerry as Stanley Kaufman, Carrey, Jim as Andy Kaufman/Tony Clifton, Armbruster, Thomas as Improv Piano Player, Boriello, Bobby as Little Andy Kaufman, Polland, Wendy as Little Wendy, Dreesen, Tom as Wiseass Comic, Abdy, Pamela as Diane Barnett, Byrne, Gerry Robert as 'Taxi' AD/Stage Manager, Friedman, Budd as Himself, DeVito, Danny as George Shapiro, Colonna, Brittany as Baby Carol Kaufman, Shapiro, George as Mr. Besserman, Lyles, Leslie as Janice Kaufman, Oshman, Cash as Yogi, Pendry, Greyson Erik as Little Michael Kaufman
Man on the Moon is a biographical movie on the late comedian Andy Kaufman. Kaufman, along with his role on 'Taxi,' was famous for being the self-declared Intergender Wrestling Champion of the world. After beating women time and time again, Jerry Lawler (who plays himself in the movie), a professional wrestler, got tired of seeing all of this and decided to challenge Kaufman to a match. In most of the matches the two had, Lawler prevailed with the piledriver, which is a move by spiking a guy head-first into the mat. In one of the most famous moments in this feud was in the early 80s when Kaufman threw coffee on Lawler on 'The Late Show with David Letterman,' got into fisticuffs with Lawler, and proceeded to sue NBC.
Download Man on the Moon Movie Here

Download Man on the Moon Movie Here
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