Saturday, January 17, 2009

Band's Visit, The

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Download Movie Band's Visit, TheBand's Visit, The
Once-not long ago-a small Egyptian police band arrived in Israel. Not many remember this...It wasn't that important.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Year: 2007
IMDB Rating: 7.80
IMDB Votes: 345
Actors: Sarjon, Hilla, Gavriel, Uri as Avrum, Elkabetz, Ronit as Dina, Natour, Khalifa as Simon, Jabarin, Imad as Camal, Gabai, Sasson as Tawfiq, Bakri, Saleh as Haled, Matatov, Rinat, Keren, Ahuva, Sheety, Eyad, Moskovitz, Rubi as Itzik
A band comprised of members of the Egyptian police force head to Israel to play at the inaugural ceremony of an Arab arts center, only to find themselves lost in the wrong town.
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Greetings again from the darkness. Starring the DivX Movie Band's Visit, The star, Israeli filmmaker Eran Kolirin. This Band's Visit, The Comedy film offers the beautiful message that the delivery, regardless of our culture, we all want to be connected to another person. That is not the language we speak, they really are not that different. Egyptian police orchestra stranded on their way to play at the opening of an Arab Cultural Center. The language barrier causes them to be trapped in a one-horse town with a similar name. Following is a touching story and DivX Movie Band's Visit, The of terrible decisions. It communicates so much with so few words. Three of four incredible scenes. My favorite is probably the most fun in the film. At the rink, one of the band members to a local aid clumsy with the appropriate technical dildoes a girl whose feelings you hurt. It's funny and touching and moving and insightful at the same time. The leader of the band scene with Dena, the beautiful and lonely restaurateur who has for the band at night, is so emotional and heartfelt that I kept wanting to scream at two! Simply brilliant. They hope that over Kolirin, and it is very sad that this DivX Movie Band's Visit, The was disqualified in the foreign language category because of the determination that has been used much English. However, it does not change the fact that this Band's Visit, The film is a magnificent history.
Very original and very enjoyable comedy. The Police Band of Alexandria comes to Israel and will instead Beit Tiqva Petah Tiqva by mistake. Sasson Gabai and Ronit Elkabetz play a comedy with an excellent human touch. Beit Hatiqva is a measure of a city that has a day of bus in the desert. The Residents are from Arab countries and Cultural Organization. High unemployment and Boredem far in this town. Tawfik Sasson Gabai plays the leader of the band. Sasson is Egyptian, but not the role including small gestures of the middle class Egyptian officers. The rest of the cast are good too. Although the DivX film Band's Visit, The is all fun, there are signs of serious problems. In our fast-emerging market society, people are left behind. Band is a good old band. Beit Hatiqva is forgotten as many people in Israel. Most of the DVD movie Band's Visit, The is in Arabic and little English and Hebrew. Go to see this human comedy.
A Band's Visit, The Comedy movie that should be getting more press. Pleasant little peculiar to see the kind of situations where people who are very similar they may experience elsewhere in the world. Others have established and the plot and there is nothing more to say about how the story. I found two scenes in this movie: Band's Visit, The that one must remember, and no one can remember as many of Bogart in Casablanca. The exchange on the phone and the scenes at the rink is beautiful and very well acted. This is a movie: Band's Visit, The that I see, and then put in the memory for one to see again and again just for the pure pleasure of a well-developed humor.

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