Monday, January 19, 2009

Ruthless People

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Download Movie Ruthless PeopleRuthless People
Sam Stone's wife has just been kidnapped... And he doesn't want her back!
Formats: hidivx, divx, hpc
Genres: Crime, Comedy
Year: 1986
IMDB Rating: 6.70
IMDB Votes: 5347
Actors: Morris, Anita as Carol Dodsworth, Applegate, Phyllis as Loan Officer, Bumstead, J.P. as Technician, Riley, Gary as Heavy Metal Kid, Bisignano, Jeannine as Hooker in Car, Evans, Art as Lt. Bender, Schilling, William G. as Chief Henry Benton, Cutler, Jon as Stereo Store Customer, Felder, Clarence as Lt. Walters, Freeman, J. E. as Bedroom Killer, Midler, Bette as Barbara Stone, Slater, Helen as Sandy Kessler, Pullman, Bill as Earl Mott, Reinhold, Judge as Ken Kessler, DeVito, Danny as Sam Stone
Sam Stone is a clothing manufacturer, who married his wife Barbara, for the money that she was suppose to inherit from her dying father, but her father didn't die for another fifteen years. He is now planning to kill her and is on his way home to do just that but when he gets there, she's not there. He then receives a call from someone claiming to have kidnapped Barbara and threatening to kill her if he informs the police, which he does hoping that they do. What Stone doesn't know is that the kidnappers, Ken and Sandy are a couple whose idea for a garment he stole and made fortune off, are not that lethal, as a matter of fact Barbara's more lethal. And what Stone doesn't know is that his girlfriend, Carol, has another boyfriend and they plan to blackmail Sam, by videotaping him disposing of Barbara's body. When her boyfriend, Earl goes there to do that, the person who goes there was not Sam but a guy with a hooker, and the guy instructs the hooker to scream her head off, Earl mistakenly believes that Barbara's not dead and that Sam was killing her there, and was so freaked out that he didn't bother to see if it was Sam. And Carol tries to put her plan in operation by sending Sam a copy of the tape, Sam thinks that it's for something kinky that Carol wants and when Sam tells her that he is going to do what was done on the tape to her, she assumes that he is going to kill her. So she sends another copy of the tape to the Chief of Police, and tells him that she wants him to arrest Sam for murdering Barbara, and the Chief is happy to oblige cause he is the guy who is on the tape. The Chief manages to find the instruments that Sam was going to use to kill Barbara and arrests him. Sam now has to get Barbara, alive, so that he can prove that he didn't kill her. And Barbara starts to bond with Sandy.
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"Ruthless People" is an original joke that I actually laughed to the point of exhaustion. It was masterful how all these characters are intertwined, creating more and more hilarious subplots. Gypsum is a tour de force. Danny DeVito is quite possibly the best comic performance of his career! Bette Midler is also great as the whiny, hateful wife. It's good to see Judge Reinhold, which virtually disappeared after completing the "Beverly Hills Cop" films. Prompt action by Bill Pullman is also worth visiting. I think it's a real actor cool, but generally performs the same functions yuppie. Here, he plays a dim-witty, trailer-trash airhead and is a delight to watch. There are so many funny moments that stick in my mind forever, as when the serial murderer invades the house. "You look like my mother, I hate my mother." And the confusion that was created with the sex video was absolutely classic. I have not seen a good comedy in a while, nor have laughed a lot at this time. So this DivX film Ruthless People is happy to catch the Starz network, because it is one of the funniest comedy I've ever seen and today, you will not see many good comedies or big as this. A must see! My score: 9 (out of 10)
I saw this DVD film Ruthless People in the theater when it was published in 1986. I have been in a lot of movies, and this is the only one that had to do it again - only to hear the lines that had been drowned by the laughter of the audience! Often, a film: Ruthless People previews give away all the lines of a fun movie, and I remember those for the "ruthless people" gave the classic "I've been kidnapped by Kmart" line. But for once, was so hysterically funny moments in this Ruthless People Crime that did not matter. It's just funny. So if you have not seen, really missing something. Rent and be prepared to hurt your sides laughing.
I thought this DivX Movie Ruthless People was very funny. Almost everything that someone says has a double meaning. (The police chief and the prostitute, the big dog, etc.) This DVD film Ruthless People will keep you laughing from beginning to end. Bette Midler is fantastic as the abducted wife of wealthy man, and Danny DeVito is also great as the rich man himself intrigues. There are thousands of great line to continue quoting the years after seeing this DVD film Ruthless People (I know) as the unforgettable "I've been kidnapped by K-Mart!" and "You lie #$*%^!!! Oh, honey, I did say that" This is a must see! So go see! Now! What's next for reading this, you should be renting the movie!
Presented by the manufacturers of aircraft, is a ruthless PEOPLE laugh riot of a movie. Danny DeVito directs the package as a greedy millionaire who plans to murder his wife for her money, but became enthusiastic when she was abducted. DeVito is funny in the role. Judge Reinhold as the performance offers a crazy kidnapper. Helen Slater does a great job - and she is beautiful - the kidnapper's fashion designer wife, but the real star of the movie: Ruthless People is Bette Midler, as DeVito's wife kidnapped. Although this DVD movie Ruthless People lacks a bit of quality that had PLANE still has its share of really good performance and a hilarious line. Great show! 4 of 5
This may be the funniest American Ruthless People Crime film of the 1980s, with non-stop laughter from start to finish. The pace of the Ruthless People film is almost exhausting, his sore throat laugh you silly. It is more in the British-style farce that probably any other American Ruthless People Crime film I can think of. It also has a large cast. This was Bette Midler's * real * return. And Danny DeVito is deliciously nasty. Probably the best grade is the first role of Bill Pullman, who is brain dead boy toy lover Anita Morris' character. Not to be missed by fans comedy, but make sure you see the uncut version (for cable or video.)
I must say I really enjoyed watching this. Great production values. The AD knew how to do the job. Sam's house was totally true art run amok. It's the sort of house I would have. Generally do not want to have a "house museum," but this, I'll make an exception. DeVito is a scream and a half. Obviously Hamming happily and even the role of Sam to the hilt and then some. His performance was a real pleasure for the eyes. Think Snidely Whiplash in modern times and it was Sam. I do not care too much for the singer Midler as a style of music that is simply not my cup of tea, but she enjoyed Midler. She has a twist in the form of a total nonsense character. His role as the brain-dead barbie mom in "The Stepford Wives" was satire I really snickering. Reinhold and Slater were excellent as the two gentle souls who had been pushed too far over the edge and wanted revenge and justice for the wrongfulness of that Sam had made them. Worth seeing? If you're in the mood for some cheerfully absurd nonsense, you bet!

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